Tuesday, July 31, 2007


i love this picture...i was walking home from my girl friends house one evening...and the sky was so perfect...the moment was so perfect...lulu and i had an eventful day...we spent time with friends and enjoyed the summer breeze...perfection is so elegant...perfection is real...perfection comes when we are not striving for it...perfection is God's work!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


click link to visit t-shirt shop
photo: self reflecting
have a powerful day
karen gibson roc

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


doorways open and close

new roads appear and disappear

chance changes moments

clarity reflects faith

distractions clutter sequence

ego builds distance from the light

patience is strength

frivilous chatter creates waste

love is

the red river

of destiny
KGR (c)2007

Thursday, July 19, 2007


photo: self portrait-moody
so to say the least i have been -not in a funk- but just in a place where everything seems to be standing still...the bright spot today is that it is lulu's birthday...we are having a party next week when phil gets back into town...anyway the last couple of weeks have been wonderful in the sense that we have been able to travel and enjoy our summer...lulu is healthy and full of life...it's myself however that i am concerned with...my career...where i'm going...what the next chapter is...there have been many a time when life comes to a place where things are about to change and the unknown looms and i have been able to move through gracefully...and this time is no different - it just feels like this not knowing stuff is greater than any other time in my life...for the first time i can really and truly say "i have absolutely no idea what will happen or what i am supposed to be doing" the only thing that keeps me grounded is being a mother...i don't question that action at all...so that is what i continue to do with vigor...i mean i've been writing which is great...i wrote a new song and i really love it...and i am sure that is what i am supposed to be doing:) being a mother and writing...OMG :) i've just found resolution...i've just in this moment of writing realized that that is all i am supposed to be doing!!!
writing is a great excercise!!
peace and light
pps check out the new website

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


the last couple of days have been really interesting...i've been sort of looking at myself from a different perspective...i've been doing what needs to be done throughout the day...and while i am doing my daily caregiving to lulu, i've also been looking at the way i handle my day and my daughter...i realized that i enjoy being with her so much...i enjoy buying the things she needs and discovering her likes and dislikes...her bottle is the most important thing to her at present...she enjoys music and only cries when she's hungry...she's really talking baby talk alot and she is constantly smiling...she's standing on her own but hasn't taken that step yet...she keeps me on my toes...at times i am exhausted but in a way that satiates my longing...i look at her little face and i fall in love from moment to lovely moment!
photo: sunset in st croix

Thursday, July 5, 2007


here are some of my favorite pictures from my trip to st croix
i had a few minutes to myself
peace and light