Thursday, February 22, 2007

counting my blessings with thought of breath...

i went out twice today and i'm feeling a little tired but never too tired to write...i was going to write about the hate i encountered from someone i ran into this evening...someone i haven't seen for some time...someone i used to have a friendship with... instead i decided not to use my energy and time to give that dying fire any more i'll write about something that speaks to my lulu has just drifted off to sleep...and tonight i am remembering when she was inside my belly and how quick the time passes...she's seven months and so smart and beautiful...when i watch her sleep something deep inside of me awakens...i feel like a beautiful flower that has opened to life for the first time...i feel like the sun when it peeks over the horizon bringing a fresh day...her and her father are the reason i wake up with an abundant heart...sometimes i have to pinch myself to believe that this is my life and that i have soooooooooo much love...both to share and to recieve...i count my blessings every single day that turns into night...i am not afraid when the day is over anymore...i used to feel sad when the day ended and i can't explain i embrace everysingle moment and love every minute that i breathe air into these pregnant belly silhouette

Poem for the day:

i have wings on my back
i gathered the leaves of my life

that is to say my life as a young girl and my life as an adult
what i’m trying to say is
one day i woke up beside an angel

she spoke to me
and admired me

have wings on my back
i have wings on my back

Anger brings back at you
my momma told me i could be free inside of my own nature
listen to the unheard of space

have wings on my back
i have wings on my back

passion submits to nothing
we don’t know where we came from no matter what the book said
we don’t know where we’re going no matter what the genius said last week
deep in realization

today blows like an old jazz tune

have wings on my back
i have wings on my back

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I get those wings on my back. Something to take me away from the chaos, the hussle and bussle. I missed my son and daughter growing up, that was a moment I missed, was on the road, in the life or so I thought. It is so peace to hear you talk about lulu and the days of her youth. Enjoy it, all we get is moments yanno. Write on, write on