Thursday, March 29, 2007


so lulu and i went to the museum yesterday...what a wonderful time we had...we tried out our new jogger stroller and the ride was soooooooooo smooth...she seems to really like it...there was an exhibit in particular that i really liked...i think it was called through the eye of the was an amazing expression of art...lulu enjoyed all of the different sights and sounds...we didn't stay was just a quick visit...we are truly blessed to have the museum so close to us so we can go pretty much anytime we feel like it...anyhoooo! speaking of artbook is coming along...i had to resize all of the files and put them back into the self publishing online system...they were too big that is why i couldn't preview the pre-print pdf...let's hope it works this time i really want to share the work with you...and of course i can't wait to see the final museum day (The Brooklyn Museum)
here is one of my favorite poems:
every night I go to sleep
wakin’ the next mornin’
to creep
into a new life
without strife
i journey without bags
‘cause I can’t leave a trace

dippin’ in the sea of another place

i don’t know if i want you to see my face
i need to cry alone sometimes
occasionally i’ll greet you with a smile
just incase
I might want to cross the bridge
and share my space

dippin’ in the sea of another place

understand that I run my own school of thought
where equality is the number one trait
let us look inside
‘cause everyone has his or her death date
don’t be afraid to shed a tear
your reason being a little fear
think about the feeling you call fate
release all your anger, the ignorance and hate

dippin’ in the sea of another place

take the time to think about good dates
where smiling is the pastime
look at the mountain you thought you couldn’t climb
and meet me at the top
‘cause I’ll always save you a place

Dippin’ in the sea of another place

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


sometimes i feel like i am peeking at life from behind a curtain and other times i feel i fully engaged in the mix of is one of those days where i feel like i am peeking out...maybe it's because i am about to play my guitar in front of people this evening and i have a few jitters...i am still getting used the idea of playing music...let alone reciting and singing...i am not as nervous as i thought i would be but never the less the butterflies are's not for a big's for a yoga class...i think it's a great place to work out my performance kinks...anyhooooooooooo!! i slept late this morning...i feel very very rested and ready for the world...i am waiting for my partner to deliver some music for me to write to...always loving that!! i've been cleaning out the garbage from the apartment...the things that i don't wear anymore...the things lulu doesn't wear anymore...and some baby stuff like her bouncy seat need to go...she doesn't need it anymore...i feel it is so important to get rid of what is not being used...i don't like clutter and i am not one of those people that likes to hang on to things...the weather is amazing today...i think we are going as high as the low 70's...i am waiting for lulu's jogger stroller to come today...i hope it comes today so that i can get into a work out routine as soon as possible...anyway i am rambling this morning or rather this i will close in saying...stand face to face with your fears and caress them...and watch them turn into something that resembles truth!!! have a great day!!photo: peeking flower

Monday, March 26, 2007


one moment of eternity

saturday afternoon was a day not unlike any other day...i took a long walk to meet with a friend about a music project we are about to embark on...i love starting new makes me feel so alive...anyhooooooo!!as i walked i took a few photos to remember the day i looked out at the neighboorhood that i have seen sooooooooo many times before - i found new images that weren't there before...things i passed and wouldn't have taken a second glance became the focus of my photoblogging...and on the way home i ran into a great friend...fellow poet and wordmaster "MUMS" - in my oppinion one of the greats of the spoken word me say artistic world...he is a creator of the new...a shifter...the bringer of the exciting and keeper of the light!!!it is now monday and lulu is fussing to get out of her walker so i will close in saying that everyday is special, wonderous and bright!!
let the sun shine in!!
let love rule!!
and dance to your own rhythm!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007


I CUT IT!!!...i watched the puffs of tangled HAIR fall to the ground last night in the barber shop and i felt the weight of the world lift...what a change...i haven't had really short hair in a bunch of years...the afro has served its purpose...i was so ready for something new...i feel light and sometimes can become heavy with different dynamics...i was holding onto the afro because it had become so much a part of my character as far as stage thing...i was carrying it around into my personal everyday and i didn't want it that way anymore...when i first started to grow my hair it was for me... then somehow i kept the afro for the was laden with ego...laden with the need to be someone or something i feel quiet and pleasant...fresh and untainted...the new page has finally been written upon...i have chosen the road for which i will travel...i have finally passed the fork and i am walking...walking my new road with courage...with determination...i am walking it with pride for who i am on the inside...not on the out...artwork: fallen seeds become something new!

Excerpt from: "A Side Order Of Truth"-by kgr
coming soon

I rape the present moment of its virgin like quality
simply for my own glutinous satisfaction

I dare not mock understanding
with foresight

I dare not sell my soul
and smile about tomorrows paid vacations

It is sublime to rest amongst
frivolous behavior

And make love to time
easing his breathing

kgr (c)2007

check me out on myspace!


Wednesday, March 21, 2007


life is like a piece of is loved and's 1:28pm and i have been sitting infront of the computer working for most of the morning...phil is on full time daddy duty today so i am able to get alot feels kinda funny to have my hands free so to speak...i keep peeking at them in the living room and smiling...they're are soooooooooooooooo good together father and daughter...they don't need me at all and this makes me feel great because i know when i am out in the world doing my thing they will be fine...i love the fact that i don't have to ask my husband for help...he is there at every corner pitching in...i am truly blessed to have them in my life...i couldn't ask for a richer situation than the one i once again i am reminded to count the big and bountiful blessing that is my family!!!artwork: watercolor mood


Tuesday, March 20, 2007


ok so feeling a little thwarted today...i am still trying to preview the book...there is a problem viewing the finished product in a PDF file...but they are working on it at the i let go and let the universe do the work...i am feeding lulu bananas and typing in between bites...she is smiling at me with her messy face as the drool mixes with the's quite endearing...she is sooooo pretty in her pink striped jumper with pink bib to little angel...she keeps me smiling constantly...that's what this thing called life is all about...being happy...being joyous...yes yes yes!!!! i also sell t-shirts so check out my t-shirt shop!
peace and light

Monday, March 19, 2007


it's monday morning and i'm feeling really good...feeling light and full of energy...we ordered a jogging stroller so that i can start excercising with lulu during the days...i soooooo look forward to going for a run and going for long walks to prospect park and to the museum's really time to get back into shape...the sun is shining and melting the snow...the temperature seems to be on the rise again and we are looking at having a mild weekend...i look forward to that...i have been hanging around the house since i got back from's time to reach back out into the world and send my energy to the right and perfect heart feels balanced...and that is one of the greatest feelings to have...i'm livin'...i'm livin' free...artwork: roses for me today

poem for the day:

Life it seems
Is living up to the standards of others or
To follow the shoes of your forefathers or mothers
But can it be that you see yourself as unique
Or in the eyes of society something of a freak
Because to you true happiness is to be free
To let nature take its course and let you be
Some people have to understand that for some it takes longer
For their individuality and character to become stronger
Some people might think these ideas are wrong
To others
It’s their only means of survival to help them to go on
And to dream about that final day or time
When they can put down their staff because they have finished their
Final Climb

for poetry and more go to:
be love

Sunday, March 18, 2007


the artbook is finished and i am just waiting to preview the pdf before it goes to print...i self published it at it was pretty simple to put everything together...the real work was choosing the content and choosing the sequence...which for me was by feel...not necessarily by some sort of visual photos with photos and art with art and words/poems with words/ is a collage of everything i enjoyed creating...the order is...there is no order...some of the content stretches as far back as ten years...i visualized this book many times over in my mind so i am excited to finally see a printed copy...i will share it with you as soon as i ok the visual...i feel great this sunday morning...lulu is sleeping and i am listening to life...the sun is shining bright as bright as my soul feels today...oh by the way in the mean time you can check out some of the books visuals on my website under artbook at above image: a sample from the artbook: stay creative

peace and prosperity

Friday, March 16, 2007


today is a simple day...not much to talk's snowing pretty hard outside and it's wet...not the kind of day you want to venture out in unless you have i'm catching up on things like loading pictures from my camera onto my a hot lunch instead of eating a cold sandwich...checking emails etc...i woke up feeling a little low...that happens to me sometimes in the morning...and i think the weather has a little to do with it...i want to be out under the sun getting some air and excercise...i can't wait to see the tulips bloom in all their glory...can't wait for the warm breeze to kiss my i focus once again on my plenty of love from my sweet family...lots of food and a warm roof over my head to name a few...appreciation is ever important in the scheme of blooming tulips

one tru love

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


today is quiet and serene...not much going on just alot of rest and relaxation...i've decided that this week is a meditative week and that i will get back into the real grind next feels good to turn the world off and observe...

open and honest moments
reflect mood
magnificent nothings
feisty overexposure
grows between
serendipitous moments
and another smile
and another
(written today at 5:22pm)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


today i woke up thinking about my life as usual...i told my husband that the only thing i can seem to hold onto is the fact that i am a mother...i feel like an acrobat dangling from a swinging rope tied around only one ankle without a safety net brows are constantly furrowed and my lips are always pursed...i feel as if i am locked into a sort of contemplative existence...i've grasped the knowledge that what i am thinking is what will become manifest in my life so i relax my lips and brows and take a deep meditative breath as i sit here sharing this with you...i can really say i don't know...i don't know what will come...and i don't know what to think about that previous statement...i am simply existing by breathing and appreciating my breath...if that makes any sense...i'm working on self publishing my artbook, uploading the material is time consuming but i don't mind it keeps me busy...i look foward to seeing the finished product...i didn't go out yesterday, i spent most of my time unpacking, checking emails and setting up the publishing page so i think i will go out today especially since the weather has warmed up immensely...i was pulling up some of my artwork for the book and i came across this piece i have posted has helped me to loosen the ropes of understanding from around my contemplative i am accepting the simpleness of what is happening and accepting that what will become manifest already exists outside of time waiting to become the next moment in time...if that makes any sense!!!artwork: what is
(book purchase info to come)
have a blessed day

Monday, March 12, 2007


i'm back home and exhausted from yesterday's traveling...lulu is so full of energy and getting to be quite a handful...she sits up by herself and smiles like felt soooooooooo good to see phil at the airport while waiting for the baggage to roll past on the conveyor felt soooooooooo good to be back home in walk through my front door...i slept till almost 11:00am this morning...i still feel tired but i've been taking care of business that was put on the back burner while i was up north...omg it was soooooooo cold i hardly went sisters car was on the fritz so we hibernated mom and sis cooked some great dishes...i watched as much as i could so i could bring some home cooking ideas back with me...i feel a little frayed because alot is coming at me regarding performances and workshops etc...i look forward to what today brings and what manifests felt so good to see my guitar perched on its stand in the felt soo good to pick it up and strum some notes for lulu this afternoon...home is definitely where the heart is and mine is perched in brooklyn ny...right smack dab in the middle of it's soul!!!photo: guitar

Poem for the day:
(song lyrics)
Stranger are the days that don’t reflect my sentiments
Stranger are the days that don’t reflect my passion
Stranger are the days that don’t reflect my dreams

We can wake with a new sense of purpose
Cling to your soul your chance to be free
Awaken your light by kissing the night
Awaken your light by kissing the night
With tranquility

Stranger are the days that don’t reflect my sentiments
Stranger are the days that don’t reflect my passion
Stranger are the days that don’t reflect my dreams

We can wake with a new sense of purpose
Cling to your soul your chance to be free
Revel in certainty
Leaving captivity behind
I’m giving birth
I’m giving birth
To the universe
I’m giving birth
I’m giving birth
To the universe
From "Stranger are the Days" song lyrics - "Live @ The Whitney Museum"
peace and blessings in your day

Sunday, March 4, 2007


So i am having the time of my life so far in toronto...being back home is a beautiful thing...lulu is so happy and enjoying the company of her grandmother and auntie and cousin...last night we went to my nephews basketball game in ottawa and it was one of the most nail bitting games i have ever witnessed...they lost by two points and we were all so disappointed but that's life and we all got over it but we can't really stop talking about it...we drove there and back and got home at 4:00 am in the morning...i haven't gotten any real sleep since i've been here but i don't mind...i can sleep later today...i have a couple of people to check in with and visit but i'm not rushing out the door because it's crazy cold outside and i just want to hang with my feels really good!!!the simple things in life like family or a good book always seem to fill those gaps that need filling at times...i feel in tune with life and with this wonderful afternoon table top

keep livin'

Thursday, March 1, 2007

day before departure...

It's the day before departure and i'm trying my best not to get too worked always does that to me...i dreamt last night that i had reached my destination without a passport and a return ticket...too much on the today i am taking my time to pack and chill this time tomorrow we will be on our way to the blogg entries might be a bit sporadic in the coming days...i will write when i real soon!!!peace and light!!!photo: always looking ahead!

poem for the day:
Watch how the rain falls
leaving crystal drops adhering to window panes
and Sunday morning tranquilities erode the past
like balanced words

Did you know that truth
always dreams of making friends with your soul?
excerpt from: "Side Order of Truth" by kgr
available for purchase soon