Tuesday, March 20, 2007


ok so feeling a little thwarted today...i am still trying to preview the book...there is a problem viewing the finished product in a PDF file...but they are working on it at the company...so i let go and let the universe do the work...i am feeding lulu bananas and typing in between bites...she is smiling at me with her messy face as the drool mixes with the food...it's quite endearing...she is sooooo pretty in her pink striped jumper with pink bib to match...my little angel...she keeps me smiling constantly...that's what this thing called life is all about...being happy...being joyous...yes yes yes!!!! i also sell t-shirts so check out my t-shirt shop! www.trutees.spreadshirt.com
peace and light

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Count on me to purchase a copy of the book when its finished. Loving hearing of you and lulu's journey. I missed my son and daughter growing up being on the road with bands and promoters. Those days are since behind me and now they are in college and daughter all grown up doing her model thing. Time goes by fast, sometimes too fast. That is my one regret missing them grow up, your blogs will definately inspire others to remember to take time to slow down and enjoy whats in front of them, like you do with your camera, like you do with your daughter. Write on,write on