Tuesday, March 13, 2007


today i woke up thinking about my life as usual...i told my husband that the only thing i can seem to hold onto is the fact that i am a mother...i feel like an acrobat dangling from a swinging rope tied around only one ankle without a safety net below...my brows are constantly furrowed and my lips are always pursed...i feel as if i am locked into a sort of contemplative existence...i've grasped the knowledge that what i am thinking is what will become manifest in my life so i relax my lips and brows and take a deep meditative breath as i sit here sharing this with you...i can really say i don't know...i don't know what will come...and i don't know what to think about that previous statement...i am simply existing by breathing and appreciating my breath...if that makes any sense...i'm working on self publishing my artbook, uploading the material is time consuming but i don't mind it keeps me busy...i look foward to seeing the finished product...i didn't go out yesterday, i spent most of my time unpacking, checking emails and setting up the publishing page so i think i will go out today especially since the weather has warmed up immensely...i was pulling up some of my artwork for the book and i came across this piece i have posted above...it has helped me to loosen the ropes of understanding from around my contemplative mind...today i am accepting the simpleness of what is happening and accepting that what will become manifest already exists outside of time waiting to become the next moment in time...if that makes any sense!!!artwork: what is
(book purchase info to come)
have a blessed day

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