Monday, March 19, 2007


it's monday morning and i'm feeling really good...feeling light and full of energy...we ordered a jogging stroller so that i can start excercising with lulu during the days...i soooooo look forward to going for a run and going for long walks to prospect park and to the museum's really time to get back into shape...the sun is shining and melting the snow...the temperature seems to be on the rise again and we are looking at having a mild weekend...i look forward to that...i have been hanging around the house since i got back from's time to reach back out into the world and send my energy to the right and perfect heart feels balanced...and that is one of the greatest feelings to have...i'm livin'...i'm livin' free...artwork: roses for me today

poem for the day:

Life it seems
Is living up to the standards of others or
To follow the shoes of your forefathers or mothers
But can it be that you see yourself as unique
Or in the eyes of society something of a freak
Because to you true happiness is to be free
To let nature take its course and let you be
Some people have to understand that for some it takes longer
For their individuality and character to become stronger
Some people might think these ideas are wrong
To others
It’s their only means of survival to help them to go on
And to dream about that final day or time
When they can put down their staff because they have finished their
Final Climb

for poetry and more go to:
be love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

staff in hand we all are on a journey. It is so peace livin free while doing it though. To be free I have taken off people like clothes 2007. Like you cut your hair, I removed this one and that one in the name of being free. Staff still in hand, still tired, still enjoying your blogs, still too on my journey. Thank God the sun is coming out. Write on, write on Karen