Friday, March 16, 2007


today is a simple day...not much to talk's snowing pretty hard outside and it's wet...not the kind of day you want to venture out in unless you have i'm catching up on things like loading pictures from my camera onto my a hot lunch instead of eating a cold sandwich...checking emails etc...i woke up feeling a little low...that happens to me sometimes in the morning...and i think the weather has a little to do with it...i want to be out under the sun getting some air and excercise...i can't wait to see the tulips bloom in all their glory...can't wait for the warm breeze to kiss my i focus once again on my plenty of love from my sweet family...lots of food and a warm roof over my head to name a few...appreciation is ever important in the scheme of blooming tulips

one tru love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is soooo peace that you have a hobby and an eye for things with the camera. I made the mistake of making my hobby business, now its like work, I need another hobby. I'm studying the Mayan calander now, that is peace for me reading about prophesy. Be careful not to turn your peace things into business. I'm loving your spilz Karen. Write on,write on