Monday, February 26, 2007

"All answers are synonymous to the question!"

Ok so it snowed last night...i watched the oscars like most people and was happy for jennifer hudson and forrest whitaker...anyway today started a little slow...i stayed in bed longer than i have in months...i feel rested and strong but i also feel a little frayed at the edges...i'm thinking too fast and too as i write these words i take deep breaths and soothe my spirit...i've been conversing with a production company out of LA to bring me out there to do a show...we are currently going back and forth...we'll see what happens...i would love to go...i really believe it's time for my physical to journey outside of nyc...i would love to get to europe...that is one of my biggest goals at present...anyway lulu has just finished her lunch of organic carrots and polished off a 6oz bottle of formula...she's quietly playing in her playpen while i share my days thoughts with you...i'm headed back to toronto for a week on friday...i'm looking forward to a different scene and to see my will be lulu's first plane ride and trip out of nyc...i haven't been home for a while and i definitely think the time has come to return...perhaps i will perform while i am up there...or perhaps i will just lie around and soak up some family love...we'll see when the time storm '06
Poem for the day:

"All answers are synonymous to the question."
There isn’t much going on…other than the noise from the television and the rather wild wind pressing against strained windows… I sit watching the noise and listening to myself think.

“When do we know if we’ve let go of what we were
so we can become what we desire to be???”

"All answers are synonymous to the question."
I’m changing my life by what I’m thinking this evening--
I’m making a declaration of character.

“Revelation becomes the most important thing in a woman’s life – don’t you think?”

“All answers are synonymous to the question.”
I want to write these things on a bathroom wall somewhere...
Excerpt from "Side Order of Truth" by Karen Gibson Roc
coming soon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its peace in peaking in someone elses life, watching them think out loud in ink. I think you are soooooooooo brave, one day I started to blog like that and then came the backspace, and it came again. Sure would be nice to backspace on bad days,lol. When you go to the UK check out the London Jazz Cafe, I plan on networking with promoters out there this coming fall. Big ups to Jenniffer Hudson, yeahhhhhhhh. This is too long, let me stop here before I backspace lol. Write on, write on