Wednesday, February 28, 2007

a love story...

I have a million and one things to do today as i get closer to departure time...laundry and last minute shopping are foremost in my mind as i type these words this's 10:22 am and i haven't had my coffee yet...i can't believe i am even typing without having taken a sip...anyhooo...lulu is taking her usual morning nap so i thought i would get busy writing while i have this free pocket of time...there was a moment yesterday when i thought i had died and gone to daughter lay on my chest fast asleep and i could feel her breath on my face...i could feel her rising chest press against mine...her little fingers were wrapped around a piece of my hair...we were on the couch relaxing after a few hours of errands ie: post office, bank, diaper and wipes run at target etc...i felt so connected to her at that free from the strife of perfectly in tune with nature...the television was on but i wasn't watching it...i was completely lost in my own love story...the one between me and lulu...the one that gives me so much today i send out a silent prayer for everyone in the world to feel loved because it sure makes life worth living!

Poem for the day:
Inside of me
The wind, the air and the light
Serenade my fortitude

Inside of me
Lilacs whisper loudly-
Telling that old smile to remember its place

Inside of me
Love laughs without regret!
Excerpt from "A Side Order Of Truth" by Karen Gibson Roc
coming soon

1 comment:

All of the pop; none of the fizz (Whatever that means) said...

"A love story..." indeed.
It's the most beautiful everything.

in joy
in solidarity,